The 3 Steps To Marketing Like The Big Dogs From Home As An Independent Loan Officer
Youre an independent loan officer that works from home, but you still want to sell like youre backed up by the Big Dogs. That is not so hard when you know how to market. Sure, if you could market with XYZs big-time budget, then you could get more leads and close more loans. But, what if you dont have that kind of marketing budget? There is still a way to get those leads; you just have to get smart about it – like the Big Dogs.
It all comes down to RESEARCH. The hardest part is figuring out what to sell to whom. A one-man band with 30 different products to sell needs to know HOW to promote, WHAT to promote and WHO to promote to.
1) Research which product you need to market.
When you start researching, you cannot go off of assumptions because you know what they say about
a-s-s-u-m-e (makes an ass out of u and me). What you have to do is go through your client list and tabulate what product you sell the most of. First calculate what product you sell the most of and then calculate what product you make the most money on. Those are the two products that you...