Credit card balance transfer is a great way of consolidating your credit card debt, and also finding a way of avoiding the terrible burden that debt can bring. Transfer offers are in high demand and many credit card issuers highlight their balance transfer features up front as part of their overall advertising package. These days the credit card companies are in heavy competition with each other to get your business.
But have you ever considered the dream ticket of always having an interest free credit card at all times, no matter what the circumstances? Well here is a check list of seven things you must do in order to get the best out of it.
1. Always make sure that your credit card balance transfers are carried out on time and with no overlap periods from one card to the next, which will cost you money in nasty interest charges. Make allowances for delays in the post when notifying banks and credit card companies by mail, and also note that different banks will move at different speeds when responding to requests.
2. Make sure that 0 balance transfer credit card offers are always current and available at the time you apply. There’s no point in...