There was a time that people had to send messages via a telegram or through the post office to get their message across. The telephone changed all that when you simply have to call the other party. Now that we are in the digital age, we get to hear and also see the person and this is perhaps just one of the many advantages of video conferencing.
So what are the other advantages of video conferencing? For one, it increases productivity. This happens as offices in various places are able to talk with one another to brainstorm and make fast decisions.
Second, video conferencing saves money because you dont have to pay for the airfare or traveling expenses for one employee just to get the work done. Studies have shown that it reduces fatigue and stress brought about fro the travel so you dont feel pressured when a job needs to be done there.
Very close to money is that video conferencing saves time. You dont have to sit on an airplane or drive a certain distance just to meet someone when you can have the conversation in the boardroom and talking to the person on the other end as you seen them through the screen and hear them through the speakers....