As you sit at your coffee table each month, writing check after to check to pay off various bills, do you ever stop to think why a check looks the way it does? What are all those numbers for? Why do I have to write out the amount in words? Why am I writing a check when I can have this amount automatically deducted from my account? That last question youll have to answer yourself. But if youd like to know a little bit more about checks and how they work, read on.
Heres a little guided tour of your personal check. Start at the upper left corner. There youll possibly see a cute monogram or logo, something you selected to personalize your checks. Moving clockwise youll see your name, address, and optional information including your phone number, drivers license number, or social security number. Scanning further to your right, above the Date line, youll see a tiny set of numbers that should look something like 9-5678/1234. This fractional number identifies your banking institution. Next to that, in the upper right hand corner of the check, is a number four digit number. This is your check number, its there to help you to keep track of all the checks your write.