One of the most beloved shows in television history, The Andy Griffith Show takes its viewers back to a simpler time of small town America, apple pie, and black and white television The trademark whistling theme song is one of the most recognizable in history, and the duration of the show in syndicated reruns is unrivaled by its peers. The Andy Griffith Show follows the exploits of the small town of Mayberry and its family values, no nonsense sheriff Andy. Widowed, and father to a small boy named Opie, Andy is joined in Mayberry by his sidekick Deputy Barney Fife, his relative and housekeeper Aunt Bee, and a host of other eccentric characters.
But the show stealer is Barney Fife (Don Knotts) who plays the role of a sometimes incompetent, kooky deputy always in over his head. The onscreen dynamic between Griffith and Knotts is truly magical. Both men would go on to heralded careers in show business with Knotts starring in numerous roles, such as Mr. Furley on Threes Company, and Griffith as the title star of Matlock. And Ron Howard (Opie) would go on to establish himself as one of Hollywoods most well-known directors
This first season DVD of The Andy Griffith Show...