Every day you are surrounded by displays. There are so many types of displays, some that may not even come to mind when you think of the word display.
While strolling through the mall you are bombarded by window displays of the latest fashions, accessories or must haves. When walking down the streets of any city, you can become mesmerized by the window displays that you pass. Some people even entertain themselves by window shopping or checking what is on display. There are people that make special trips to see what is on display.
There is the public display of affection. This often has various affects on people. If you pass by two people making out right out in the public forum you could have a couple of reactions. Maybe youre angered, disgusted, jealous, happy to see two people in love or maybe you completely ignore it. If thats the case it couldnt have been that much of a display in the first place.
During the holidays we often see many types of light displays. Most, I would say, are tasteful while others are obscene. I have been witness to a holiday display that had every symbolic figure displayed on his lawn and in his yard. It was actually quite...