This article will explain the reasons why you should begin building your credit as a student. Whether you are taking night classes or are going to school full-time, this article applies to you. It is very often stressed that any young person who wants to get ahead should attend college. What is not stressed and is very important as well is to establish credit.
To give a little background on credit, you and everyone else in the United States who has a Social Security number and is over the age of eighteen will have a credit report. You may have never had credit in your life but you will still have a credit report. This credit report will often show as blank with no credit but a credit report is still kept.
Credit is not something to be afraid of but it is merely a reflection of your financial history. There are many factors which go into your credit report and the following sentences will explain what these are. Your credit report will show any open credit cards you have along with loans you have taken out. For each open credit account such as a credit card or a loan, there will be a history of this account. It will tell what your account limit is along with what...