It is a good idea to have one or two credit cards you can readily access if you have an emergency that falls outside of your budget or savings. Even if you havent thought about applying for credit cards, chances are you get plenty of pre-approved credit card applications in the mail on a regular basis. This is a form of advertising used to encourage people to apply for a credit card.
Even though they say pre-approved you will still need to fill out the application. The majority of these marketing mails come from a list that tells them you have recently purchased something and so they are trying to get you to sign up for their credit card. They hope you will use it to make future purchases so they can charge you interest when you do.
Most businesses offer you the opportunity to complete the application process online or you can mail back the offer you received from them. You need to make sure you read all of the information on the credit card application carefully. This means all the small print too that pertains to your finances charges, late fees, interest rates, and other important issues that come with the responsibility of having a credit card. Your signature...