Its not easy in todays society to truly feel beautiful. We as women are bombarded everywhere we turn by images and voices telling us we are imperfect creatures. Millions of dollars are made by various companies and advertisers telling us WE can achieve perfection via the purchase of some beauty product; eating or NOT eating certain foods, exercising with this piece of equipment or that one, camouflaging or uncovering certain body partsLord, it never ends.
Unfortunately, for a vast number of women we buy into it, literally. We spend dollar after dollar on cosmetic products that one by one pile up in our make-up drawer, exercise videos and exercise equipment by one perfect physical specimen after another (who because of our hard-earned money can now afford liposuction), chemical processes and extensions in our hair to achieve the most flattering styles, we offer bodies up to the sacrificial alter of beauty to be plucked, waxed, shaved , exfoliated, nipped, tucked and for what? So we can continue to chase the always unattainable beauty ideal?
Dont get me wrong, I prefer to shave my legs, I wear nail polish and lipstick and make-up (when I know Im going somewhere...