There is some merit to the old saying, “eat your carrots or you’ll go blind.” Carrots are an excellent source of beta-carotene and problems with the eyes are one symptom of a deficiency of beta-carotene. However, there are other sources of beta-carotene that offer a sufficient source of nutrients. It shouldn’t surprise you that vegetables and fruits are your best source of beta-carotene.
Why should you be concerned about beta-carotene? In addition to problems with the eyes, if you don’t consume the recommended amount of beta-carotene, your immune system may be at risk. Beta-carotene is an antioxidant and having sufficient amounts in your body means that toxic elements, bacterial and viral infections, and skin problems will have a more difficult time taking control over your system. If these benefits sound a lot like the benefits you receive with sufficient vitamin A, it’s because beta-carotene is a form of vitamin A referred to a carotenoid. Beta-carotene is found in plants and when once in the liver it is converted to vitamin A.
Scientists are always researching other uses of vitamins. There are reports that beta-carotene can...