If you are trying to find ways to pay off your mortgage loan more quickly, then one possible solution is to use the bi-weekly payment method. Instead of paying off your mortgage loan payment every month, you pay half the monthly amount every two weeks. This can help you to drastically reduce the length of your loan, and thereby save you a lot of money. If you are new to bi-weekly loans, then here are some tips to get you started.
Paying off every two weeks
Many people forget the fact that there are 4.3 weeks in a month, and so by paying off half your monthly amount every two weeks you will save money. It means that over the space of one year you will make the entire years payments a month earlier. So, every year you will pay off an entire months payment from the principal loan amount. Although this may not seem a lot, it will in fact reduce your loan term significantly and could save you thousands of pounds.
Bi-weekly companies
Some companies specialise in offering bi-weekly loans, on the basis that it will save you a lot of money. In return, you pay them a minimal service charge each month for the privilege. Although this can still save you money,...