An 0845 phone number is a non geographic number that is of great help to both business owners and consumers. These numbers allow customers to call one number and reach the person or business they need no matter how many times that the person or business might change phone numbers. It is also a way for business people to guarantee that they are always available to their clients as the 0845 number can be forwarded to any phone number that gets registered with an individual account.
A good example of how an 0845 number works is very simple, for example: say that a lawyer never wants to be out of his or her client’s reach. The lawyer purchases an 0845 number and gives it out to his or her clients as the primary number by which he (or she) can be reached. The 0845 number then forwards calls made to whichever specified number they choose.
0845 numbers are beneficial to people on both sides of the telephone line. For one thing, an 0845 is only billed as a local number. This helps clients and customers save money on their calls. Another benefit is that the owner of the 0845 phone number receives his or her calls for free. Yet another benefit of having an 0845 number...