Have you read your credit card statement lately? Do you know what your annual percentage rate is? How about your annual fee? You may be surprised to learn that your current card is not the bargain you once thought it was. If you are tired of paying fees and big monthly payments then shopping for a new credit card is a must. Some balance transfer cards are better than others; here are some things for you to look for with your new card:
Low Introductory Rate If you are paying a high interest rate for your current credit card you can save yourself plenty of money by shopping for a card with a low introductory rate. Yes, there are still many balance transfer credit cards available that will give to you a rate as low as 0% for twelve months. By obtaining one of these cards you could save yourself hundreds of dollars per month and pay off your outstanding balance faster.
Transfer Fees Balance transfer credit cards may charge you a small fee to make a transfer. Still, there are some cards that charge no fee on the initial balance transfer upon applying. It may be to your advantage to pay the transfer fee especially if you are going from a high annual percentage rate...