The Best Credit Card – Shopping For A Credit Card
Credit cards are just like any form of credit, you should shop around to find the best deal. Depending on your situation, you may want to find a card with low rates, a reward program, or a 0% APR for transfers. Make sure you look at several credit card companies to find the best deal for you.
Comparing Programs
Credit card companies offer several different types of incentives to entice you to open an account with them. These rewards can save you money or earn you trips or cash back. If you plan on always paying off your monthly balance, then a reward program, such as airline miles or cash back, may be for you.
If you plan on carrying a balance on your new credit card, then look for the lowest rate. You will want a no frills card with no annual fees. You can also choose a card with a low introductory fee, usually lasting six months to a year, if you plan to pay off the balance soon.
For transfers, look for offers of 0% APR. These offers typically last for six to twelve months, but they can save you a bundle on interest. However, be aware that rates on these cards can shoot up after the...