Many credit card companies charge fees for using your credit card overseas. If you plan to travel overseas and use your credit card, then you should select a credit card that does not impose fees for overseas usage. This article will show you how to select a globe trotting credit card that is easy to use and affordable.
Most credit card companies increase fees for foreign use around the holidays because many travelers are overseas purchasing foreign gifts. Credit card companies usually post these fees in small print. Many of these fees are in the form of interest. Most credit card companies charge a loading fee of around 2.75%. Some also charge a flat fee each time a credit card is used as well. Many consumers do not notice the loading fee until they get there statement. These fees can add up when you are purchasing expensive items overseas. Many of these charges and fees are hidden on your statement in small fine print.
Another area of high fees is overseas ATMs. The typical American ATM charges $2.00 for a transaction. Overseas ATMs can cost you as much as $5.00 to withdrawal money. If you do not want to order a credit card that charges minimal fees for...