Whatever type of accommodations you need for business or leisure travel to Malaga, Spain, there is a Malaga hotel that can take care of all your needs. Accommodations can be categorized by hotel, resort, apartment or condominium, hostel, bed & breakfast, or conference centre. While the hotels are most plentiful, there are these other types of arrangements to give you more options.
Hotels in Malaga
There are dozens of hotels in Malaga ranging in size and price. The average hotel will cost about $100 US or less, so even the four and five star rated hotels are quite reasonable. For a nicer, high rise hotel in the centre of the city, you could choose from the AC Malaga Palacio Hotel or Los Naranjos Hotel, each with all the amenities and services of any large chain. Other hotels rated highly by visitors include the Novetel Malaga or the Hotel Adriano.
Luxury Spas and Resorts
You can enjoy the beautiful weather, golf or just a relaxing holiday at any number of spas and resorts in and around Malaga. Some favourites of tourists include the Parador Malaga Golf and the Sunset Beach Club. The Gran Hotel Benahavis in Malaga features swimming and a fitness...