With franchisees the opportunity needs to be taken to maintain strong lines of communication between them and the franchisor’s business. Finding good franchisees is difficult; keeping them is a lot easier.
The best franchisees need special nurturing so that a strong relationship can be cultivated with the franchisor. If the franchisor follows basic & simple rules, it will be fairly easy to maintain the franchise relationship and keep lines of communication open.
The key qualities that we look for when recruiting franchisees are:
1) Strong people skills – this is the number one quality to look for. All franchisees will be dealing with staff, customers and suppliers. There are many standard questionnaires that the franchisor can use to analyse potential franchisees.
2) Ability to work hard – this is the second most important business quality that any franchisee needs. If they are prepared to work hard almost any problem can be overcome.
3) Basic computer skills – if the franchisee understands and knows how to use basic software programmes, they are far easier to integrate with your own technology and...