Due to the current increase in identity theft, solutions and prevention tips are becoming a necessity for everyone. Many victims of identity theft are unaware that they have been targeted until months after the original crime. Your credit card bills could be missing for a month, and when you contact the financial institution, they tell you that there has been an address change that you did not authorize. You might be applying for a mortgage renewal, and discover that your great credit has been ruined by a scammer. This time lag gives the scammer a head start at spending all of your hard-earned money.
Most credit card companies have implemented identity theft protection to help you if you become a victim. You shouldn’t assume that you have protection because you deal with a major financial institution. Have them send you information about the type of protection you are eligible for, and how to access it if you ever need it. This type of information you want to have before you discover you need it.
Some specialty businesses provide identity theft solutions. They will help you take steps to protect yourself from becoming a victim of identity theft. They will...