The Best Way To Eliminate Lower Back Injuries In Golf
One out of every two golfers will incur a lower back injury during their playing careers, are you one of them?
Almost every golfer on the planet has at some time or another felt their lower back tighten up on the course, after a round, or even getting out of bed. Why is this so? The reason for the high number of lower back injuries in the sport of golf is a result of the golf swing itself!
The golf swing is a rotational movement. It requires you to rotate around a fixed spine. The lower back takes the brunt of the pressure of the twisting and turning.
The rotation and torque can make your lower back very easily fatigued or injured. The question to ask is how to counteract the stresses placed on the lower back?
There are a number of ways to help you dodge the injury bullet when it comes to the lower back.
Lower back injuries generally occur because of three different reasons.
1. Poor Swing Mechanics
2. Weak Lower Back Muscles
3. Workloads
The first category has to do with your swing mechanics.
A research study (dont quote me on the exact %)...