When it comes to distributing a resell rights eBook, there are a number of ways in which to deliver. As the seller, you will enjoy the greatest profit by saving money where you can. This means that a digital delivery, including downloading an eBook or sending it via e-mail, may be the best and most cost efficient way to go.
As the seller, you would create an eBook and resell rights agreement. These can be separate documents that are placed in a single zip file or they can be combined into one MS Word or Adobe Acrobat file. When someone purchases your eBook with resell rights, you would simply send them an e-mail attachment containing their purchase. If your website is set up to allow instant downloads, all you will have to do is collect the payments. The best way to distribute eBooks via download is to have a payment system set up on your website, which directs paying customers to a special page that contains the eBook and resell rights agreement for immediate download.
If you dont yet have a website or wish to attract customers beyond the internet, consider taking a venture into the world of print advertising. This means that newspaper and/or magazine readers may...