Billy loved everything about cars. This person loved the roar of the engine to the little parts that made the vehicle run. Since there were not were not any universities or colleges that specialized in automobiles, the only one that could offer this was the vocational school in Camden County where this individual resided in.
Camden County Vocational School has over a thousand students currently enrolled every year. Though majority of those studying are men, it offers courses for women who want to learn and get a better job.
Most vocational schools require the student to request for a brochure online. Billy filled up the application form, left the telephone number and address so that a representative from campus can call and a brochure can be sent.
A few days later, the brochure arrived. There were two programs being offered that could teach Billy to become a better mechanic. The first was automotive body repair while the second was automotive technician.
Billy believed a skilled mechanic should know everything inside and outside of the automobile. Given that this person wasnt doing anything, this person decided to enroll in both to be able to get...