Payday loans can be a very good thing, but they can also be a very bad thing. A payday loan, just like any other loan is borrowing money that you have to pay back. Payday loans, however, differ from a typical loan in many ways.
Lenders are usually not going to loan you a small amount of money, like under 500. This is because the interest on this type of loan, no matter how high, would not be a lot to them and therefore they would not make money off these loans. Payday loans are usually made for under 500.
Payday loans are also short term loans. They must be paid back within two week to a month, according to the terms of the loan. These loans also charge very high interest rates.
To get a payday loan all a person usually needs is proof of income and a checking account. Most places prefer that your paycheck is direct deposited into the account. In some instances the payday advance center will make you fill out forms, including a reference sheet. These references are used, should you not pay your debt. The center will then call your references to try to find you.
After filling out the necessary forms and providing the necessary documentation, you will...