The Coffee Pot And Its Variety Of Shapes And Styles
The shape and size of a coffee pot will vary. When coffee makers were introduced in the late 1950s, the look of the coffee pot changed.
Before that time, the family coffee pot was often a percolator, which was made of metal. The percolator was patented in 1865 by James Nason. Gravity funnels boiled water through the coffee pot until it comes in contact with coffee grounds.
Gravity then separates the beverage from the grounds, leaving the residue in a small basket of the coffee pot. The coffee was served from the same pot that brewed it.
Still, some people made coffee in a pot on the stove before the modern coffee maker came along, making a simple boiler their family coffee pot.
Most often the family coffee pot in today’s homes is the carafe that is attached to the coffee maker. These drip coffee makers became popular in the early 70s. The coffee is placed in a filter. You pour the water from the coffee pot into the filter. Then the coffee is brewed and funneled down into the coffee pot.
The coffee pot that will come with the coffee maker you purchase is usually made of glass...