A forum is usually defined as a medium or area of open topics where users can post their comments, opinions and helpful tips to other users. Most sites offer free registration to their forums of open discussion, allowing their clients or users a place to gather together. Free forums are also a great way to attract steady flow of traffic to your site, enabling free publicity and the likely hood that more and more people will join the site and partake of the options that require a fee.
Most of us today are, generally, willing to establish communication avenues to find friends and a line of support through the Internet or in real life. As the industry of computers continues to advance, there are more people and companies creating websites and forums. Free web forums are offered on almost any website, free of charge for the users. Bulletin boards and forums are there to allow your readers to hold discussions and to find programs that they can host remotely or run on your site.
Web-based forums have been around since approximately 1995, performing similar tasks as Internet news groups and the all-famous dial-up bulletin boards that have been around since the 1980s....