The corporate structure continues to change in that companies are continuing to increase in size through mergers and acquisitions. As this progress goes forward it seems that we have lost sight of some of the basic elements that make companies successful to begin with. Most of us in the corporate world find ourselves in situations where time is critical to meet pace with ever changing demands. The pitfall here is that we tend to loose sight of some of the necessary elements that insure success. As I mentioned in a previous article some of us still manage our workforce using the flog them until they drop philosophy. The problem here is that this approach typically leads to a workforce that is stressed beyond belief and pushed to the point that they just dont care anymore. What I see typically are people who feel like they have been disenfranchised by their employers and will tend to gravitate towards the path of least resistance typically to the detriment of the employer.
The problem as I see it is that these same exact people given the opportunity to excel will do so if provided the opportunity. This is something that should not be taken lightly in that it affects...