The Cost Of Embroidery Digitizing. How Much Is Too Much?
You are enjoying using your new embroidery machine. However, you have several images that you want digitized into embroidery patterns. You’ve done your research on who you want to have digitize these embroidery patterns for you. After all, if you’re going to have someone else do it, why not deal your embroidery digitizing out to the best digitizing company available.
The right way is to go to different websites, download & compare the samples that are available. Stitch them out to look at the different qualities and compare them to know which company has better digitizing ability.
Finding good samples is not the end. Prices of embroidery digitizing vary a lot. The next thing to consider is how much is too much to pay for your embroidery pattern to be digitized”?
Admittedly, if you are going to go through the trouble of comparing different embroidery digitizing companies, you are going to want the best to do the work for you. But sometimes the best is going to charge too much for their embroidery digitizing service. What do you do then?
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