For every action, there is an opposite reaction. So said Isaac Newton in his 3rd Law of Motion. Newtons law is true for an apple falling from a tree or building log homes or timber homes. Consider three primary opposing forces at work when building a new home Cost, Quality and Time. We call this the CQT Triangle. Understanding the opposing forces of the CQT Triangle is critical when selecting the right builder to build your log home or timber home.
The CQT Triangle has three opposing corners that tend to pull at each other Cost, Quality and Time. Putting emphasis on one or two of the corners tends to have an opposing affect on the other corners.
For example, if your primary concern is meeting an aggressive timeline for your log home or timber home, then its more likely cost will increase. There is also the risk that quality will be compromised in order to meet an aggressive timeline. Conversely, if the builder has a more flexible building schedule, it may allow him the time to achieve a higher standard of quality and more opportunity to better control costs. If the quality of your log home or timber home is your primary consideration, the cost will be...