The Daily Grind: Take Out The Stress, Discover The Joy
If you suffer stress from the tedium of boring, repetitive, and meaningless work, then its time you changed your attitude. Simply by seeing work as adventure, service, ritual, self-expression, and meaningful, you can transform the very nature of the daily grind.
1. Work as Adventure. Many people might laugh at you if you suggested that a humdrum job could become an adventure. But here are three ways you can turn every day of working life into one of surprise and discovery. Make it
a challenge, in which you create our own targets. “I’m going to be the best cocktail-maker in town.”; “I want to complete the dish-washing in the fastest time.”
learning, in which you develop your curiosity about the job, how things are made and work, as well as trying out new skills to see if the job can’t be done in a better way.
a game, in which you create interest and fun by injecting a new twist into the job, such as the bartender who took to compiling lists of barstool bores.
When work is seen as an adventure, with new things to explore and learn, youll look...