The debt negotiation process is a strategic and a timely matter. There are many contributing factors to consider, in order of ACHIEVING successful negotiations. First off, you must verify the delinquency status. A creditor is more likely to engage in negotiations according to the age of the account, in an attempt to avoid a net loss. (A debt is written off around 180 days to 220 days) During that time period, you can achieve a significantly lower settlement offer. Once the debt has been written off, it is no longer an active asset. At that point, the original value of the debt has depreciated, and the creditor must recovery net gain in order gain profit and maintain a financial relationship with investors. In order to obtain a net gain, the creditor must either employ a collection agency at a fraction of the cost, or sell the debt to debt buyer. Secondly, if the debt has to be negotiated with a collection agency or debt buyer, the third-party collectors are directly regulated by the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act administered by the Federal Trade Commission.
It’s for these reasons that consumers oftentimes seek the help of a debt negotiation company. ...