Let’s face it,jobs are on the decline in corporate America. The times are changing. If you do not change with the times, simple you begin to fall behind. Go to school and get a job, no longer holds true. Many baby boomers are finding out the hard way. With jobs being shipped overseas, companies downsizing to cut back on costs and increase profits, have taken away the security of having a 9 to 5. And if you are planning to depend on the government well good luck. Social Security doesn’t have the money to fund our retirees in the future. So what can you do in these changing times? Simple it is time to start taking control of your own future. Yes it may require courage and the ability to withstand criticism. But it beats being 60 years old and getting fired from your job. You don’t believe me, go to Wal Mart and talk to the door greeters.
What worked for your parents does not work today. Back in the day sure you could work for a company for 40 years and retire. The company would pay for your retirement and you could enjoy life on the golf course. That is not the case today. Companies are about making money, period. Paying for employees retirement proved to...