Autoresponders are used as a means of promptly connecting with anyone that responds to your site. This is done at the very basic level by placing an autoresponder on all email received. However, this principle also applies to all sales made from your website.
One unique approach to the utilization of autoresponders is the virtually hands-free approach to providing an educational series of articles about your product or an e-course about your service or the concepts behind your success.
The web is full of information and your customers may be interested in participating in an opt-in informational series that can be distributed through autoresponders.
From the customers perspective you are offering a free e-course on the best use of your product, the best ways to maximize a service or ways to use that product or service as a means of a revenue stream. They sign up for the e-course and an autoresponder takes over from there. No matter when a visitors signs up for something managed by autoresponders they begin receiving the first issue of the course and will continue receiving them on a regular basis until they are finished. The autoresponder keeps track of who...