If you find yourself strapped for cash, and its a few days away from payday, you have an option. There are times when taking out a payday loan is a quick, easy, and even sensible solution to your problem. If you are in danger of bouncing a check, or if you need to make a payment on a bill that is due before payday, and the late fee incurred will put you at risk of damaging your credit rating, a 1-hour payday loan can help you. You can apply online, and have your much-needed cash in an hour or less. However, it is important to know exactly what this type of loan is, what the terms are, and what the financial risks are before you decided to take this financial route.
A 1-hour payday loan is a short-term, unsecured loan, usually granted for a smaller sum of money (less than $500) to individuals who can provide proof of employment and continual income. Taking out this type of loan for such a small amount of cash is easy, because there isnt the paperwork and approval process involved as with longer-term bank loans. Everything can be done online. When the loan is approved, the borrower promises to repay the loan from his or her next paycheck. The loan is made when the borrower...