When the environmental concern Global Warming is discussed the three main topics of debate seem to be does it exist, what is too blame for it, and who is responsible for fixing it. What can be done to correct the problem is rarely at the forefront of the debate unfortunately, but the responsible party always seems to default to the U.S. government. While it seems logical that the United States government should drive the movement towards a healthier environment the business sector has an important role to play as well. The resources commanded by the top 100 companies in the world outweigh those of the poorest 100 countries. With this level of power the business sector might very well be able to fix Global Warming before the government can decide who to blame for it.
Power consumption in the business sector has always been a large percentage of the whole. With Information Technology now such an important part of business, power needs have been on the rise. Stanford University professor Jonathan Koomey researched this issue and found that 1.2% of all U.S energy was being consumed by business data centers alone. Burning through this much power, as well as all of the...