Anxiety disorders are a mental problem as old as civilization, though there are numerous unconfirmed reports that more people are having problems with anxiety and phobias now than ever. While these reports lack concrete evidence to back their claims up, there are several mental health issues that need to be considered here. Modern society, with all the concerns over ethics, morality, propriety, and social rules can have a rather unpleasant effect on the mind.
While not all minds fall apart from the pressures and demands placed by living in a civilized world, there are some scenarios and elements that make people feel as if they’re dangerously close to that precarious edge. Again, there is currently no real, hard evidence to back the following claims up, but the sheer amount of anecdotal evidence is able to spark more than just a passing concern. The fact is, a lot of people feel that modern civilization has produced more fear and anxiety in its own citizens than any civilization before it, and below are a few of the most commonly cited reasons for this view.
Reason #1: Bureaucracy
As things get larger and more complex, the more difficult it becomes to...