One explanation used by young-earth proponents to explain that all coal seams formed during the Flood is the concept of the floating forest, which can be found on the Answers in Genesis website, written by Carl Wieland. There are actually four articles on the web that we will consider when discussing the floating forest. The other three are:
Too Much Coal for a Young Earth, by Gerhard Schnknecht and Siegfried Scherer
Coal Beds and Noah’s Flood, by Andrew Snelling
Patterns of Ocean Circulation Over the Continents During Noahs Flood, by John Baumgardner and Daniel Barnette
Please see the footnotes for the web addresses to these articles. First let’s look at the possibility of floating forests existence. From the evidence presented, I can see no reason why they can’t exist. It is certainly plausible that there may have been water-borne forests in the past. That’s not to say there are not logical problems with this theory. One is the claim that all plants with a radial root pattern are water-borne plants. One only needs to look at the Sequoia tree of California to dispense with this statement. The tallest of trees in the world (up...