Young earth creationists commonly point to the fossil record in order to support their position. In one instance, the article “The Fossil Record: Becoming More Random All the Time” by John Woodmorappe, has some very good points to it (Footnote 1). Read it if you like, (its a long one), but you don’t have to much farther than the abstract to see problems. Actually, some are problems, and some are deceptions.
The abstract states that “The reality of the geologic column is predicated on the belief that fossils have restricted ranges in rock strata.” Of course it is…this has been the “reality” all along. His wording makes it sound as if the geologist has been up to some deceit…but this is not the case. He goes on to claim, “as more and more fossils are found, the ranges of fossils keep increasing.” Welcome to the world of science! This is nothing new. As new discoveries are made, the timelines that we thought species were living is extended. So what! He states that stratigraphic-range extension is not the exception but the rule. OF course it is, by its very nature it HAS to be. You are not going to...