The Four Stages Of Learning On The Path To Mastery
Whenever you learn a new skill, you go through four stages of learning. Some people berate themselves if they dont immediately master a new skill. They forget that theres a normal progression involved. Keeping these stages in mind will help you avoid frustration as you progress along the path to mastery.
The four stages are:
Unconscious incompetence
Conscious incompetence
Conscious competence
Unconscious competence
The time it takes to progress through these stages may vary, but this progression is unavoidable.
Heres what each stage is about.
Unconscious Incompetence
At this stage, a person is incompetent at a skill but isnt aware that they lack it because they dont know it exists. They’re incompetent and unaware of it. This stage lasts as long as the person remains in the dark about other possibilities.
As an example, imagine a child who had only seen shoes with Velcro closures. They are incompetent at tying shoelaces, but arent aware of it because theyre never seen them.
When a person becomes aware of knowledge they lack, they enter the...