We think of podcasting as a means of conveying audio presentations. It is also used for presenting video. The applications for podcasting are continually being refined and the growth of future applications continue to evolve as well.
A podcast in the future may be used by educational facilities to provide a full media presentation to students that allow interaction with technology and printed media. In essence podcasting could allow a student to use media as a learning tool. It might also allow students to either provide self diagnosis on their grasp of the material or it might even allow them to take a test via the podcast linked to testing software.
A growing number of schools already provide students with laptops for school purposes and it is highly likely this trend will grow.
This technology aimed at educational advances may hold promise for online businesses.
What this might mean in the future is a fully interactive course can be created either as a means of directing affiliates through the best ways to grow their stake in your affiliate agreement. A fully developed podcast in the future might well do away with the separate audio presentations...