Sometimes, when financing for your new business venture seems a little hard to find, you might want to consider the business credit cards offered by the different issuers. Business credit cards are rapidly gaining popularity among small business owners, who have seen these very useful as alternative financing sources.
Small business owners and would-be entrepreneurs are not as well connected to sources of high finance with which to bankroll their projects. Business credit cards can be their door to that opportunity or, at the very least, a much appreciated lifesaver for existing businesses from time to time. It is not unrealistic for the small business owner to anticipate that a cash flow crisis could occur at anytime. Perhaps for this reason, business credit cards are seeing wider use as a source of financing, with some of the business credit card holders learning the game of how to make things really work to their advantage.
For instance, small business owners who keep their business credit cards on file with their regular vendors can help eliminate COD charges, receive expedited delivery services, and get the chance to stretch their cash flow by a few extra...