Every woman who reaches mid-life that halfway stop where dreams have been either realized or abandoned looks around and wonders, Whats next? The kids are grown, the career is schlepping along and you wake up each day feeling just a little bit lost.
What happened to the life you imagined when you were twenty-one, with all those years ahead of you? The good news: theyre still ahead of you. Women have the capacity to live two, or more, different and equally exciting lifetimes.
Dreams and visions tend to morph over time. Guided by family and career experiences, we gain wisdom and perspective that was not possible for us in those early years. Amazingly, the future we perceive now is much more attainable because of those experiences.
Stoke the Fire Promise yourself that from this moment on you will:
1. Live and work a passionate life. What excites you right now, today? If its travel, promise yourself youll travel at least once a year, if only on weekends or to nearby, unexplored towns. If you yearn to pursue a latent talent, such as writing or music, make that pursuit a priority. If you crave a new career, look for opportunities to fan that flame....