Joseph Kittinger set the record for the highest parachute jump in 1960.He was investigating high altitude escape as part of his involvement in the Aerospace Medical Research Laboratories of the United States Air Force (USAF).The jump took place at 102.800 ft the highest parachute jump ever attempted.
With staggering speeds of around 714 mph and freezing temperatures of 94 degrees Kittinger free fell for 4 minutes.During that jump he took the record for highest parachute jump. longest freefall and fastest speed every reached by man.Kittinger opened his chute at 18.000 ft and descended safely to earth.
Parachuting in that context was about advancement in terms of tactical training. deployment and escape techniques.The USAF conducted investigations into high altitude escapes so that their pilots and others would be better equipped in the event of a high altitude evacuation.High altitude skydiving for fun is more about pushing the boundaries than it is about discovery.This kind of jumping is not for the faint hearted.
Extreme adventure sports junkies and professional skydivers now pursue this military style jumping. For the average adventure tourist a standard...