For electronic musicians, 1982 was the Year Zero that was the year that MIDI first came on the market. It was designed as freeware it was not patented, and was intended as a universal standard usable by any brand, so that MIDI could be used in a studio incorporating components or devices from many different manufacturers. The first of these was called MIDI 1.0, of course. Soon after that, musical instruments with MIDI jacks started appearing.
One of the early problems was that the MIDI messages that instructed the different instruments which sounds to play identified these sounds only by number (play patch #16), and patch #16 might refer to different sounds on instruments made by different manufacturers. Since a MIDI studio is composed of different electronic instruments strung together in a line over cables, if the instruments and devices were made by different manufacturers, a musician might have gotten a drum sound when he intended a flute sound. What the electro-universe needed was a patch-mapping standard a standardized correlation between patch numbers and the sounds that these numbers represented.
Keep in mind also the problem that the musician would...