Imagine your reaction when you open a fortune cookie and it reads, Psychics will lead dogs to your body. Sort of unnerving, huh? It is, if you dont first roll over in gut-busting laughter. But, Im told, that really did happen I dont know the reaction of the person involved, but it could have been a bit uncomfortable. After all, why do we open the fortune cookie to begin with?
Anyway, people can be disturbed by things like thatand history is replete with such tales. As a physician, what amazes me is the fact we can be a bit uneasy about superstitious events but have no problem leaving our immune systems at home.
What do I mean? Let me explain.
Pollsters and advertisers tell us people will spend a fortune getting well, trying to cure or mitigate some disease or condition but will almost NEVER spend a dime PREVENTING disease or health conditions. This is a particularly important point when considering your immune system.
Again, as a physician, I was always amazed when I would tell someone what to do, as to NOT get sick again. Do you think they listened? Sometimes. But they ALWAYS spend a lot on getting well, if possible. That is particularly...