The Importance Of A Proper Accent In English… Or In Any Language
How to Improve Your Accent
Are you tired of people asking you to repeat because they don’t understand you? Your friends say, “Just do this!” and they expect you to make the sound! Would you like to learn once and for all what to do with your lips, tongue and mouth to make the sounds of English?
Do you feel that everything sounds the same? You know you are pronouncing the words wrong; you know that you are pausing too much; you know that when you talk, it doesn’t sound like English, but you don’t know what to do.
Wouldn’t you like to learn once and for all what are the most common errors that people make when they learn English so you could concentrate on those errors.
First of all, you have to realize that an accent is made up of three parts: intonation, liaisons, and pronunciation.
You have to learn the “rules” of these three components of your new language. The work “rule” is in quotes because in speech all “rules” may be broken by native speakers in special circumstances. Still, if a...