The Importance Of Having A Beginners Mind As A Karate Instructor
As karate instructor or high-level practitioners of the martial arts, it is often useful to remember where we came from and how we got to where we are. Our journeys were not always easy and our students deserve to know about our own mistakes and experiences to illustrate that we too are human and went through many of the same struggles that they are faced with in their practices. Here is one such story from my own development as a martial artist.
During a lesson on a hot and humid summer evening during my stay in Japan, Ichihara-sensei (one of my instructors) was teaching us oizuki (front punch) when it suddenly hit me like a sledgehammer – not the punch thankfully, but a realization, an inspiration.
I had been training in karate for 14 years at the time and I suddenly realized that I had been making a basic error in the execution of the very basic front punch. It doesnt really matter anymore what the mistake was as I have since corrected it, but the real lesson I learned that night was something much more than a minor technical adjustment. That night under the watchful eye of...