The Importance of Keyword Marketing for Newbies, part 1 of 2
I can’t tell you how surprised I am that so many people who are new to promoting their product or service online, that don’t know the importance of keyword marketing. Believe me, your keywords are one the most important aspects of your website, even more so than content, and I’ll explain why in a minute.
If you came to do an interview with me, a renowned dog expert, about dog shows but I never mentioned dogs ONCE in our conversation, would you think I was an expert at all? Would you tell ANYONE I was an expert after that experience? So, if someone you knew asked you if you knew anyone they could talk to about dogs.would you refer them to me? Probably not. That’s how search engines work.
Let me ask you something. Go take a look at the keywords (just after the tag in your home page’s source HTML. Let me guess what they say. They have in it the name of your web site, the name of your product, and a few, very broad keywords such as “golf” or “pets.” Right?
So, when someone you meet on the street asks you what your...