All official research shows that the early years involve the highest rates of learning, and the habits formed at a young age will stay with them for a lifetime. It’s therefore a perfect time to introduce children to books which educate and inform throughout life.
Children of any age can benefit from experiencing books on a day to day basis, and it’s always best to make time for children to be read or be read to each and every day. A good selection of quality children’s books is a very important part of the whole literacy process, but not all children’s book are recommended.
Grabbing a children’s book or two at a supermarket check-out is no guarantee of quality, and children may become bored or turned-off reading by some less authoritative works on the market.
Children are never too young to enjoy books, and for babies it’s not just about reading the words. It’s also about enjoying the interaction with the parents as the child sits with them and enjoys the attention. Babies feel comforted by a parents voice.
Bedtime stories are a great way to help send babies off to sleep, and help to develop memory skills...