The Increasing Power Of Publicity/Media Exposure — And How It Can Benefit Your Business.
The call came into my office and the voice on the other end was very energetic, almost giddy: I have finalized my marketing budget and need your help launching an advertising campaign for my new product, he breathed. Congratulations, I replied, but before we implement an ad campaign, I want to make sure you have explored potential PUBLICITY opportunities that could generate some cost-efficient media exposure first. Then, silence. I never thought about that, he sighed. Frankly, I dont know much about it.
He is not alone. Its a common conversation. Although many entrepreneurs or business people know a bit about publicity or media exposure, the majority of them simply dont understand the full benefits of publicity placements or how to go about generating them successfully. Publicity placements have always been a cost-efficient way to market a product/business and generate clients or customers, but because of lack of knowledge or a misunderstanding of what publicity is and does, many entrepreneurs dont take full advantage of publicity opportunities — and that can lead...