How many times have you as a customer felt as though you were putting a salesperson out by asking for assistance or interrupting them as they were engaged in a personal conversation with a co-worker or friend?
I can recall times I’ve actually said to different store clerks, who were either fully engaged in telling their co-workers about the wild party they attended over the weekend or the big fight they had with their husband, “I’m sorry to bother you, but do you have this in my size?” and have them look at me as if I had just shattered the most important moment in their life.
Have you ever had an experience like this?
Many years ago when competition was almost non-existent for many businesses, consumers accepted this type of behavior because they didn’t have many options to choose from.
Business owners had the upper hand and could charge the prices they wanted without having any real concern for whether or not the customer was truly satisfied or had their need fully met.
Today, competition is fierce, particularly with the power of the Internet and expanding global markets.
If a consumer doesn’t...