We do it all the time. When were ready for a job change we go online to search for a better job. You go to your favorite job board or employers site, find a job that fits you perfectly, and submit your resume and nothing happens.
Just a typical online job hunting experience that were all used to. You are now in the Bermuda Triangle of job hunting, sending your resume into the unknown digital zone that goes in and never comes back.
So, what can you do to improve your odds of receiving that next step of the employer contacting you for the job interview? First, its important to understand whats happening on the employers end. Employers nowadays will receive hundreds to thousands of resumes after posting a job in any given week. Their computers and networks are overwhelmed from the entourage of resumes that are pouring into their email and HR application management software.
Some employers have the technology that can handle all the resumes pouring in and those are the ones that you will get an auto-responder message stating that they have received your resume and will contact you if they want to schedule you for a job interview. Other employers dont, their...